Aren't I bleedin' wonderful


I bet I'd look good on the dancefloor. -- Tofino 09:01, 6 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

How's the peripheral neuropathy now? I myself have it and read your entry on the discussion page of the article on peripheral neuropathy. Mine was so bad I couldn't walk for 2 months, now I'm on lyrica and doing much better. Has yours improved?

A: Don't know the proper format for this :). And you are? What is Lyrica -- I will look it up later. I have been using Zostrix, capsaicin cream, 2-3x a day and it's made sleeping much easier. Nobody recommended this to me, I just picked it up out of desperation really and it's helped at least in the short term. My original messages were less than two weeks ago so not much change but we'll see I guess. What is your history? -- Tofino 06:45, 13 March 2006 (UTC)Reply

A: I'm Eric. Lyric (pregabalin) a is a new drug released in the US (I believe it's been out a while in Europe). It's similar to Neurontin, which Pfizer also makes. I find it works pretty well for the severe, shocking pain I used to have prior to starting it in Dec. My history, in brief, is that I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy last October after not being able to walk for several weeks. It got so bad I had to stop walking. Since then I've started Lyrica and sometimes use opiate painkillers. I also started prozac which believe it or not can help neuropathic pain (as an SSRI inhibitor). Best of luck.

Bouchon - the cuisine


Hi Hit on the page you helped with, last year, as it's also the name of a town in France. (I'll do the dab later) Some translations that may help - I'm not changing the page as there's still some amibiguity that I can't resolve. groins d'âne = donkey snouts ! - surely not - even for French cooking ??? (the original French term may be a bit like the British 'toad-in-the-hole', which is sausage in batter pudding i.e. a misnomer) moulinhuile is simply an oil-mill, or press, to obtain oil from olives Cardons à la moelle - the cardons here are the grated stems of a specially-grown variety of thistle Hope this helps Dickie (talk) 14:37, 28 January 2008 (UTC)Reply