

Finally stubbing my user page. I'll create a proper one very soon.

This is my current pseudonym on many forum-type sites on the internet. I took it when I needed a name for a gaming account upon return from Tofino, British Columbia one weekend. My favourite place to relax with my wife.

Major hobbies are swimming (we have a backyard pool), and restoring video game cabinets. My current projects are my MAME cabinet (90% complete, and currently fully playable, making the last 10% very difficult to do without being distracted), and my original, less-than-mint yet somewhat working Galaxian cocktail cabinet.

I also enjoy Buzztime Trivia at my local pub, Woody's On Brunette, where I play as TOFINO. We do OK and have great fun playing.

I've been married eleven years to my lovely and patient wife Sally. I work mainly in computer jobs but after over 17 years earning money at that racket, I'm tired of it. Typical of Gen-X really, lazy slackers all of us.

In September, 2000 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph nodes. I was successfully treated by six months of chemotherapy including some nasty drugs like vincristine and adriamycin. I'm in full remission but side effects were two hip replacements and persistent peripheral neuropathy.