Talk:Hanns-Christian Kaiser



Hanns-Christian Kaiser (26 March 1969) German artist.



Born in Karlsruhe as son of a galarist. In his youth he painted with artists such as Herbert Zangs and Professor Walter Becker in Karlsruhe and in Ammersee. Furthering his contacts to well known and established artists such as Lothar Quinte, who influenced his earlier works. Having completed his school, he worked as a commerial artist in 1987 and since 1989 as a freelance artist in Baden-Baden. He began to exhibit his works in the early 1990s. His travels to Italy, Egypt and the United States, influenced his portrayal of the natural made surfaces. His first observations follow the reunion of surfaces in the "continental sequences" of his pictures. Mr. Kaiser's works reach up to 3 meters high. Uniting 4 surfaces that can be of different sizes or origins. After his second trip to New York in the year 2002, his portrayal of sand movement became of significant importance to him. In his paintings and sculptures he focused on unfinished movements of variable masses. As a result, his works are neither abstract nor realistic. They transport "the real" and facilitate an insight in the microcosm and macrocosm. In the year 2005 he represented a synopsis of his art work in Munich.
