Wikipedia:WikiProject Trains/ICC valuations/Cadiz Railroad

Interstate Commerce Commission, Valuation Reports, Volume 97

Cadiz Railroad


The Cadiz Railroad Company, hereinafter called the carrier, is a Kentucky corporation controlled by W. C. White through ownership of a majority of the capital stock. It owns and operates a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad extending from Cadiz, Ky., to Gracey, Ky., a distance of 10.293 miles. It also owns 0.699 mile of yard tracks and sidings.

Location and General Description of Property


The railroad of Cadiz Railroad Company, hereinafter referred to as the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, situated in the southwestern part of the State of Kentucky, and extending from Cadiz to Gracey, a distance of 10.293 miles. The carrier also owns 0.699 mile of yard tracks and sidings, or a total of 10.992 miles of all tracks.

Physical Conditions Affecting Construction


The country traversed by the carrier's line is rolling, the soil being a sandy loam and clay. The grading is medium.

Economic Conditions Relating to Traffic


The products of the region served are principally those of the farm.

Corporate History


The carrier was incorporated on March 19, 1901, under the general laws of the State of Kentucky, for the purpose of constructing and operating a railroad from Cadiz to a point at or near the junction of the Hopkinsville branch of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company at Gracey. The carrier's principal office is at Cadiz.

Construction of the carrier's road was begun in April, 1901, and completed in March, 1902, at which time the road was placed in operation.