This lists a number of now-obsolete statistics which have been retired from Wikipedia:Awareness statistics because they have become unreliable or unavailable. This page is kept as an archive; please do not update this page.

Alexa's English-language Top 100 (December 2004 to July 2005 only)


On 29 December 2004, for the first time, Wikipedia was listed on Alexa's list of the top 100 English-language web sites, at #99. In July 2005 it was removed from the list. At that point around 35% of Wikipedia's traffic as recorded by Alexa was to the non-English versions (probably an underestimate of the actual percentage), so Alexa presumably decided it was ineligible.

29 December 2004,   #99
01 January  2005,   #98
03 January  2005,   #94
06 January  2005,   #92
12 January  2005,   #88
15 January  2005,   #87
18 January  2005,   #88
21 January  2005,   #86
26 January  2005,   #85
29 January  2005,   #85
03 February 2005,   #83
06 February 2005,   #82
08 February 2005,   #81
12 February 2005,   #81
15 February 2005,   #79
17 February 2005,   #78 (ahead of AOL Messenger for the first time)
23 February 2005,   #74
24 February 2005,   #72
27 February 2005,   #72
 1 March 2005,      #73
 5 March 2005,      #71
 9 March 2005,      #70
10 March 2005,      #69
17 March 2005,      #67
22 March 2005,      #67
26 March 2005,      #66 (ahead of!)
30 March 2005,      #65 (ahead of
 2 April 2005,      #65
 4 April 2005,      #65
 6 April 2005,      #63
 9 April 2005,      #62
12 April 2005,      #62
19 April 2005,      #61
20 April 2005,      #60
23 April 2005,      #58 (just behind and the New York Times!)
 1 May   2005,      #57
 3 May   2005,      #55
 6 May   2005,      #55 (ahead of New York Times and Bank of America)
12 May   2005,      #53 (ahead of
13 May   2005,      #51
14 May   2005,      #50 (first time in the top 50!)
17 May   2005,      #48 (just behind CNet)
27 May   2005,      #47
 1 June  2005,      #46 (just behind Friendster)
 7 June  2005,      #44
 9 June  2005,      #43
12 June  2005,      #42 (ahead of Neopets; just behind
16 June  2005,      #41
20 June  2005,      #40 (first time in top 40)
22 June  2005,      #39
24 June  2005,      #37
 8 July  2005,      #35 (just behind Dell at 34 and Apple Computers at 33)
12 July  2005,      (not listed: now considered multi-lingual, hence ineligible)

Wikipedia's membership of this list has been terminated because it is a multilingual site.

Usenet posts about Wikipedia


Monthly count of Usenet posts containing the word "Wikipedia"

Source: Google

Data extracted from Google Groups, using the estimated figure:

January 2001,       0
February 2001,      0
March 2001,         3
April 2001,         0
May 2001,          19
June 2001,         54
July 2001,         27
August 2001,       84
September 2001,   152
October 2001,      87
November 2001,    133
December 2001,    105
January 2002,     161
February 2002,    102
March 2002,       112 
April 2002,       141
May 2002,         149
June 2002,        208
July 2002,        305
August 2002,      389
September 2002,   304
October 2002,     430
November 2002,    349 
December 2002,    523
January 2003,     378
February 2003,    333
March 2003,       687
April 2003,       644
May 2003,         693
June 2003,        716
July 2003,      1,160
August 2003,    1,140
September 2003, 1,760
October 2003,   1,840
November 2003,  1,620
December 2003,  2,140
January 2004,   2,330 ( 1,840)
February 2004,  2,260 ( 1,800)
March 2004,     3,200 ( 2,740)
April 2004,     3,490 ( 2,990)
May 2004,       3,610 ( 1,470)
June 2004,      4,080 ( 1,920)   (30,700 with bug in google count)
July 2004,      4,900 ( 2,210)   (31,300 with bug in google count)
August 2004,    6,170 ( 3,450)   (38,500  with bug in google count)
September 2004, 5,240 ( 6,670)
October 2004,   6,520 (12,600)
November 2004,  7,280 ( 3,160)
Only new results available from now on:
December 2004,  3,130
January 2005,   6,540    ( 8,700 - three monthly average)
February 2005, 14,900    (36,100)
March 2005,     7,490    (41,600)
April 2005,     1,850    (28,600)
May 2005,      10,400    ( 8,610)
June 2005,     10,900    ( 5,970)
July 2005,     17,100

This is the search used: [1]

For june-->august search used: adding up [2] and [3]

Note that Google recently changed their usenet search engine. New results are given in parentheses behind the old results. From December 2004 only the new results are available.

Subsequent to November 2004, the search engine count appears to have become unreliable, with different iterations of the same search giving wildly different results. Note the major differences in the 2005 three monthly averages - this is an example of the unreliability of Google's Usenet search. The use of these statistics should therefore be discounted.

More specific references to and


Monthly count of Usenet posts containing the strings "" or ""; many of these will be actual links to Wikipedia.

Searches: for and for

Month               .org    .com      total
January 2001,         0,      0,        0
February 2001,        0,      0,        0
March 2001,           0,      4,        4
April 2001,           0,      0,        0
May 2001,             0,     16,       16
June 2001,            0,     47,       47
July 2001,            0,     25,       25
August 2001,          0,     79,       79
September 2001,       0,    112,      112
October 2001,         0,     57,       57
November 2001,        0,     91,       91
December 2001,        0,     96,       96
January 2002,         1,    148,      149
February 2002,        0,     90,       90
March 2002,           0,    105,      105
April 2002,           1,    130,      131
May 2002,             0,    131,      131
June 2002,            0,    164,      164
July 2002,            5,    200,      205
August 2002,         46,    208,      254
September 2002,      84,    161,      245
October 2002,       260,     58,      318
November 2002,      214,     26,      240
December 2002,      318,      8,      326
January 2003,       201,     70,      271
February 2003,      176,     96,      272
March 2003,         539,     56,      595
April 2003,         509,     39,      548
May 2003,           611,      4,      615
June 2003,          592,     18,      610
July 2003,          964,     27,      991
August 2003,        955,     20,      975
September 2003,   1,240,     21,    1,261
October 2003,     1,140,     27,    1,167
November 2003,    1,110,     40,    1,150
December 2003,    1,340,      5,    1,345
January 2004,     1,820,      4,    1,824
February 2004,    1,740,     26,    1,766
March 2004,       2,430,     13,    2,443
April 2004,       2,820,      4,    2,824
May 2004,         2,600,     30,    2,630
June 2004,        2,890,     17,    2,907
July 2004,        3,680,     37,    3,717
August 2004,      4,820,     14,    4,834
September 2004,   3,910,      7,    3,917
October 2004,     4,630,     25,    4,655
November 2004,    5,500,     40,    5,540
December 2004,    5,730,     11,    5,741
January 2005,     2,640,     10,    2,650
February 2005,    5,180,     10,    5,190
March 2005,       5,490,     16,    5,506
April 2005,       6,900,      8,    6,908
May 2005,         3,180,     14,    3,194
June 2005,        7,470,      9,    7,479
July 2005,       13,100,     15,   13,115

Source: Google

As with the more general search, these more specific search figures appear to become unreliable after December 2004, with different iterations of the same search giving different figures.

Daily page requests for

This data graphed on a linear scale. It has also been graphed on a logarithmic scale

This is the average number of daily page requests for each month, for months where valid data is available. (Specifically, Dec 2002 and Jan 2003 have been excluded because much log data was lost for the en: wikipedia, underestimating real perfomance). Source: [4]. Compare with the "pages" figures from [5] for the en: Wikipedia alone.

Month          English     All languages

Aug 2002,       99,000,        99,000
Sep 2002,      180,000,       180,000
Oct 2002,      180,000,       180,000
Nov 2002,      198,000,       229,000
Dec 2002,      196,000,       233,000
Jan 2003,      141,000,       179,000
Feb 2003,      158,000,       200,000
Mar 2003,      224,000,       284,000
Apr 2003,      319,000,       401,000
May 2003,      281,000,       391,000
Jun 2003,      286,000,       399,000
Jul 2003,      321,000,       426,000
Aug 2003,      422,000,       623,000
Sep 2003,      609,000,     1,200,000
Oct 2003,      722,000,     1,200,000
Nov 2003,      857,000,     1,600,000
Feb 2004,    3,000,000,     5,700,000
Mar 2004,    2,400,000,     5,100,000
Apr 2004,    1,600,000,     4,400,000
May 2004,    2,400,000,     4,900,000
Jun 2004,    5,300,000,    12,100,000
Jul 2004,    5,700,000,    12,800,000
Aug 2004,    5,200,000,    11,900,000
Sep 2004,    4,800,000,    10,900,000  
Oct 2004,    6,000,000,    13,300,000

From October 2004 to May 2005, no reliable page-counter data was available, due to the rapid changes in system configuration, and the many caching servers involved in keeping up with the traffic. Since May 2005 new global traffic figures across all Wikimedia sites, in all languages, have been available at As of 3 September 2005, averaged daily traffic on the busiest day of the week was reaching approximately 2.4 thousand requests per second, or roughly 200,000,000 requests per day.

See also
