User talk:Vejvančický/Sandbox

Latest comment: 13 years ago by in topic Functionalist architecture in Brno

Moravian traditional music


Moravian traditional music with redirect to Moravian folk music will be probably the best solution.



  • Nové národní písně moravské s nápěvy do textu vřaděnými (New Moravian National Songs with Melodies Ordered by Text) – This is my translation. Is there a standard translation? It's difficult to order the words properly in English without seeing the book. Is the book ordered by melody along with the different texts, or by text accompanied by different melodies?
I´ve found the standard English translations only for later collections by F. Bartoš. The exact translation is in my opinion "New Moravian National Songs with Melodies Intergrated into Text". The songs in old Moravian collections were ordered according to the region in which they originated, or thematically - love songs, wedding songs etc. I can´t remember, how exactly is ordered this collection, but the title wants to emphasize that the texts are accompanied with melodies.
Now I understand; I misinterpreted the word "vřaděnými".

Main characteristics:

  • It is influenced by the artificial music of various periods and eras, particularly by Classical music. – I think if you use "artificial" here, it should be explained. The term will be understood by musicologists, for example, but not by layman. Maybe there's a better word, or better way to phrase the sentence.
Hmmm, It's problematical - the Bohemian folk music was influenced by various eras of classical music - especially by baroque (Milan Kundera writes about it in his novel The Joke) and by classical music (Mozart etc.). English language has the same term for classical music in general and for music of the period lasting from 1750 to 1820 (+ -). Czech language says klasická hudba (a general term) and hudba klasicistní or klasicismu (1750-1820 period). It isn't necessary to use the term "artificial", I just wanted to distinguish it.
  • I am assuming that you are referring to "folk" music (as opposed to "classical" music) in this sentence: "It is also influenced by German music and music of other western regions."
  • It is influenced by... – Should this be "is", "was" or distinguished as "was influenced by ... and (still) is influenced by..."? If you are speaking of a specific time (i.e. the Baroque era) when the influence took place, it should be was. Is it still influenced by German music??
Yes, I refer to "folk" music. ...and I think "was" is probably the best solution. Thanks for clarification.
  • "Moravian folk bands often perform in various line-ups, and some types of folk songs even require specific instrumental accompaniments (e.g. only string section for the songs called "hudecké")." – I think this information is too general and should be developed a bit more. Maybe more examples.
I'll try to develop it.
Developed a bit.


  • once you have finished your work in this area, I will try to create an original ethnographic map to replace the one above... (-:
It would be great... It took me a lot of time to get that map - and I have to admit, it´s not perfect :) I can´t create that... Yes, I want to specify the differences between regions - and it seems to me, that the best source is a series of folk recordings called "Traditional Folk Music from Moravia" by GNOSIS, with good informations in the sleeve notes. However, I don´t own the whole collection, I need to obtain some missing recordings. Thanks for your offer, Hrdinský!
  • I´ve added important facts to some of the regions, and I´ll continue with Horňácko and Kyjovsko (a significant areas of the Moravian folk culture), but I have almost any informations for the other, less significant regions (Hanácké Slovácko, Luhačovické Zálesí, Lašsko). It´s a plain description of geographical location, at least with few notable interprets... Problem is, that I can´t find any book or study with useful content, all I have are the sleeve notes of the recordings...


  • Thanks for your copyediting. I see, that you´ve removed the info about Horňácko, I agree, it´s better to insert it to the section "Regions". As for BROLN - in Czech titles we write the capital letter only in the first word of the title, it´s a bit different from English. Correct Czech version of the title is: Brněnský rozhlasový orchestr lidových nástrojů. The English translation is of course: The Orchestra of Traditional Folk Instruments of the Brno Radio. Let me know, if I´m mistaken. Thank you again.
  • Whole that section seems to me confused. Wouldn't be better to add a table?
I have created a table, but I don´t have almost any experiences with these things. Is it better now? Feel free to fix it, or remove it.

Functionalist architecture in Brno


Chtěl bych ocenit snahu o zpřístupnění brněnské funkcionalistické architektury i na anglické Wiki. Pracuji ještě na doplnění chybějících fotek do seznamu. -- (talk) 19:59, 3 June 2011 (UTC) Pardon, tenhle příspěvek byl můj. Nevšiml jsem si, že už jsem odhlášený. Ještě jednou děkuji za úsilí a držím palce. Možná není nutno z podrobných popisů staveb překládat vše. Sám jsem si taky nebyl občas jistý, kterou z informací ze zdrojových textů zdůraznit a kterou pominout. U mnohých jsem začínal jen s informací o současném využití budovy. Každopádně fotky už jsou nyní kompletní.--Strachon (talk) 11:03, 17 June 2011 (UTC)Reply