User talk:Nepaheshgar/Islam and anti-semitism?!

I took part in that article but in the end could not do anything against some so called scholars. The whole notion is false and the Qur'an provides a sufficient example. This was my original message:

Please check Qur’an 9:97 The Arabs are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. Note some translators have changed "Arabs" to "The Arabs of the Desert". I know enough Arabic to understand the original Arabic also. «اَلاعَرْابُ اَشدَّ كُفراً وَ نفاقاً وَ اَجْدَرُ اَلاَّ يّعْلَمُوا حُدُودَ ما اَنزَْلَ اللهُ» There is no "Desert Arabs". It just says "Al-'Araab" (The Arabs). Note you will not find such a harsh statement against Jews in the Qur'an. Yet there are verses in the Qur'an to show that Jews were chosen above other nation (or at least in a specific time). So I think the mention of the Qur'an should be taken out of this article. Or at least the above verse be mentioned. The Qur'an from my viewpoint is not meant to be anti anything. Indeed, the Qur'an says that the person who is superior is the one that is the most pious (no matter of what background). So piety defines superiority and ill-action defines inferiority. Irregardless of the background of the person, that is the Qur'ans viewpoint. Also the Qur'an recognizes Judaism and Christianity as legitimate paths. So the Qur'an is not anti-semitic. In fact most of the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an and praised in it, are Jewish. And Jews are mentioned to be favored by God (either at one time or maybe now, but it does mention favored). The Qur'an like any religious book can be read many different ways (depending on the maturity of the person). But inherently, the Qur'an can criticize Jews who worshipped the calf while mentioning Jews that worshipped God in the positive light.

Newer comments:

Anti-Semitic means to be anti-semitic and anti-Jewish in particular. How could the Qur'an which has praised all the Jewish prophets be anti-Jewish? It even says you can find good people in Jews and bad people in Jews. Like any other people. It is unfair to create such original research articles based on the misguided opinions of some scholars who have been influenced by modern political affairs and do not have a correct viewpoint if the Qur'an. --Nepaheshgar 19:46, 14 June 2008 (UTC)