Wikipedia is untrustworthy


Hello everyone you may be asking why are you writing on Wikipedia page on Wikipedia when your title says Wikipedia is untrustworthy well it just for people who are actually on Wikipedia s and I can just get off and find a good source so yeah also the Bots are insanely crazy on here are they don't want anyone edit anything important like typos if this to put it back to the typo it was originally act and like the whole thing is horrible so yeah



You go to my page because you want. To ask me why and I'll answer you everyone always edit it and yeah the b o t s are totally untrustworthy because well you should know are Bots and you don't even know if they're good it's kind of sad seeing people getting wrong information and then you don't getting an F on a test because they were on Wikipedia to study yeah so it's sad

Welcome to the untrustworthy page


This page might be taken off by the Bots they're really mean and they don't really like people that aren't like them they don't go on all sides to make a reliable page for everyone to use I'm quite disappointed about that it's not really okay that don't have all different views of everything so that everyone has their info on their View it would be nice sometimes if you had your own View Point already on here instead of making one and then it can't delete it immediately by the bots it's totally okay if you don't want to be with me just respect me