• 440, 460, 377

Draft proposals

Current (diff) Idea
Text that is currently in the article Text that is the proposed change[1]


  1. ^ dummy ref

To do

  • Glamour mag cited by scholars, recently updated, read it asap!!!!

Borah Sutherland, Rebecca. "Accio Jo"

  • Barthes discussed on page 375
  • Rest is about fans & about surveys >> beyond our scope imo


  • Examples of tweets, but does not mention Forstater
  • "Rowling’s personal, conservative views on sex and gender have recently been made abundantly clear through her repeated and escalating anti-trans commentary"
  • Blog post/manifesto writes that transgender people are a threat to women [CP here]
  • Mentions Rowling claim of victimization b/c of threats
  • Lots re the blog post >> use find
  • Radcliffe & Watson denounced R & that her views are harmful [CP]
  • Lots about fans
  • Note: this needs a more close reading before using

Konchar Farr, Cecilia "Introduction"

  • Rowling used huge Twitter platform to "denounce trans-women as something other than women" >> caused harm to Potter community [well, it's either that or CP or direct quote] p. Konchar Farr p. xix
  • Fans claimed the books, claimed the texts from the author = death of New Criticism p. xxi
  • "many of us energetically embrace Barthes" p. xxvi

Henderson, T. "She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" (2022)

  • In their literary analyses of Harry Potter Henderson, who is transgender intentionally leaves out the author's name. [1]
  • Henderson stopped using Rowling's name after she 2019 tweeted in support of Maya Forstater, a woman who claimed misgendering in the workspace as freedom of speech. When Forstater lost & court affirmed misgendering as hate speech R's "IStandWithMaya" tweet [go back to check here for CP][1]
  • The Forstater tweet clearly stated Rowling's views [1]
  • About Rowling's June 2020 tweet about people who menstruate, Henderson writes it revealed Rowling's "stance that invalidates nonbinary people like me" [2]
  • About the subsequent "Manifesto" Rowling posted, Henderson writes "She has a way with words (of course, or we wouldn’t know of her existence) and I felt gaslit and brainwashed at the same time after reading it." [2]
  • Daniel Radcliffe denounced the author of Harry Potter via The Trevor Project & denounced R. Message from organizations such as MuggleNet and Leaky Cauldren echoed Radcliffe. Henderson believes the message is "the author is wrong, and we get to keep the texts anyway." [2]
  • Henderson says Barthes The Death of the Author doesn't apply because "she won’t shut up" p.224
  • Additionally Henderson finds it difficult to separate author from texts in which they believe "trans-exclusionary themes [are] baked right into the text" p. 224
  • Henderson has considered given up Potter scholarship, but states that they will not "stop being a fan of the wizarding world. She doesn’t get to take that from me, too". [2]


  • Dec. 19, 2019 R tweets "#IStandWithMaya" in support of Forstater who is anti-transgender Pugh 7
  • Background re Forstater which maybe we don't need anymore Pugh 7
  • Barthes' concept of stripping biography from lit crit. Pugh 8

Whited, Lana. "Introduction"

  • Harry Potter x 7; Casual Vacancy; Cormoran Strike x 7; companion books, screenplays; 21 volumes. [3]
  • Huge sales; huge accolades [3]
  • Bottom fell out in 2019 ... [4]
  • Dec. 2019 tweet "I stand with Maya Forstater" in support of Maya Forstater changed relationship with HP fans [4]
  • Whited writes that in the next six months "Rowling herself fanned the flames as she became increasingly vocal." [4]
  • Whited considers the June 6, 2020, "woman" tweet Rowling's "most ridiculous public comment on the subject" = "People who menstruate." I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud? [4]
  • Rowling's public manifesto posted to her website June 10, 2020 was the "final straw" for fans writes Whited, in which Rowling delineated her view that public spaces, such as restrooms, should only be "same-gender space". [5]
  • ...Rowling’s concerns about individuals entering same-gender spaces based solely on self-declaration were influenced, she avowed, by her history as a sexual assault victim. In late 2022 and early 2023, as Scotland considered its own gender identity reform, Rowling continued to be a vocal opponent of self-designation, especially for those in early adolescence.[6]
  • Tolonda Henderson a transgender Potter scholar wrote they felt " 'brainwashed and gaslit at the same time' " in response to Rowling's manifesto (try to find this scholar's work) [6]
  • In 2022 & 2023 she was vocal about her opposition to Scotland's identity reform laws [6]
  • Rowling's stance contradicted with earlier comments in support of transgender rights and with apparent liberal stance and revealed a "shockingly simplistic understanding of gender identity" [6]
  • Some stuff here about themes in Harry Potter re formation of identity, complexity of human nature & depth & nuance of characters [cp here] that might be snuck into the themes section [7]
  • Substantial negative effects to Rowling's reputation: fans turned away from her work, boycotted events, and publishers reticent to accept her work [8]
  • Rowling's public comments & writing about gender identity came after initial defense of Forstater; result = controversy/contention/division [pick a word] & threats.
  • Konchar Farr's Open at the Close was meant to be published by MLA who canceled as the manuscript was in development [9]
  • During interviews with Megan Phelps-Roper for the 2023 podcast "The Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling" the author claims threats, doxxing, some of which authorities have found "credible" [9]
  • Whited writes the rapid decline of Rowling's reputation with fans epitomizes Roland Barthes The Death of the Author, [10] that it's good to separate text from author, and she justifies need for continuing literary criticism of existing texts, despite as she calls it the "Era of Transphobic Tweets". [11]
  • Criticism of Rowling & the HP works began before the Forstater tweets as exemplified by Farah Mendelsohn's "Crowning the King: Harry Potter and the Construction of Authority" [12] (note to self: we should have this in the text; check; if not add a word or two from it)
  • Volume contains first peer reviewed scholarship re Strike series [13]
  • also first peer reviewed scholarship re Fantastic Beasts [14]
  • more re updated criticism (worth coming back to, maybe) [15]
  • Borah's analysis of fandom & primary research (note: almost certainly out of scope for our article) [16]


  1. ^ a b c Henderson 2022, p. 223.
  2. ^ a b c d Henderson 2022, p. 224.
  3. ^ a b Whited 2024, p. 3.
  4. ^ a b c d Whited 2024, p. 6.
  5. ^ Whited 2024, pp. 6–7.
  6. ^ a b c d Whited 2024, p. 7.
  7. ^ Whited 2024, p. 7-8.
  8. ^ Whited 2024, p. 8.
  9. ^ a b Whited 2024, p. 9.
  10. ^ Whited 2024, pp. 9–10.
  11. ^ Whited 2024, pp. 10–11.
  12. ^ Whited 2024, p. 11.
  13. ^ Whited 2024, p. 13.
  14. ^ Whited 2024, p. 14.
  15. ^ Whited 2024, pp. 14–16.
  16. ^ Whited 2024, p. 16.


  • Duggan, Jennifer (28 March 2021). "Transformative readings: Harry Potter fan fiction, trans/queer reader response, and J. K. Rowling". Children's Literature in Education. 53 (2): 147–168. doi:10.1007/s10583-021-09446-9. PMC 9132366. PMID 35645426. S2CID 233661189.
  • Henderson, Tolanda (2022). "A Coda: She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named". In Konchar Farr, Cecilia (ed.). Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. University Press of Mississippi . ISBN 978-1-4968-3931-2.
  • Konchar Farr, Cecilia (2022). "Introduction". In Konchar Farr, Cecilia (ed.). Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter. University Press of Mississippi . ISBN 978-1-4968-3931-2. Project MUSE book 99615
  • Farr, Cecilia Konchar. A Wizard of Their Age: Critical Essays from the Harry Potter Generation. State University of New York Press, 2015. Project MUSE book 38246
  • Pugh, Tison (2020). Harry Potter and Beyond: On J. K. Rowling's Fantasies and Other Fictions. University of South Carolina Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctvs09qwv. ISBN 978-1-64336-088-1. OCLC 1142046769. S2CID 225791872.
  • Borah, Rebecca Sutherland. (2024). "Accio Jo: Woke Wizards and Generational Potter Fandom". In Whited, Lana A. (ed.). The Ivory Tower, Harry Potter, and Beyond. University of Missouri Press. ISBN 978-0-8262-2300-5.
  • Whited, Lana A. (2024). "Introduction". In Whited, Lana A. (ed.). The Ivory Tower, Harry Potter, and Beyond. University of Missouri Press. ISBN 978-0-8262-2300-5. Project MUSE book 111748