♂This user is male.

This user's real name is not important enough to know, and is a college student a Georgia Southern Unversity. For those that don't know, Georgia Southern is located in south Georgia and is about 45 minutes away from Savannah Georgia. He doesn't have a pure passion for writing but does not mind reading a good article or book. This users favorite author is probably J.R.R. Tolken. Sometimes this user participates in activites for GSU like flag football and other intermural sports. The user is proud to claim that he is a Georgia Southern eagle and loves his university. The school is filled with a vast combination of students with different backgrounds. There is no telling how many different states or countries all the students are from. Also, all of his professors are great. He has not yet met a staff member who he hasn't immediatley made him feel more at home. This user's current major is Business Administration. Some of his current interests include:watching tv, sleeping, hangingout with friends, participating in team activities. This user is also apart of the fraternity Sigma Nu.

Contributions to Wikipedia


This user is a bit of a newb on wikipedia and has only one contribution in the encyclopedia, Coral Reef Alliance. He am still learning some of the basics and could use advice from those willing. He also hopes that after some practice and critiquing other articles he will be able to produce a featured article.

Technology and Me


Growing up, this user had a strong relationship with technology. This user has always had a computer in the house, and frequently used it form the age of about 6. This user has earned a technology seal on his high school diploma for completing four different computer application courses. After doing so he was able to graduate with a "dual diploma".

He has notable skills with computer programs like micrsoft office, and computer publication programs. This user has had experience creating charts and graphs using publication programs and has also learned to user proper etiquette when typing a letter or important document. He in no way, shape, or form would call himself a technical wiz.

Why Wikipedia is Awesome!!


This user believes that Wikipedia is a great resource for research and information. You should take caution and check the references of your resourced article, because some users on Wikipedia choose to take pride in their knowledge on a subject and not do any real research for their article. Thats why if I choose to use Wikipedia as a research resource I perfer to stick to the featured articles in the encyclopedia. The freedom of getting to read and opinionate your thoughts onto the web for the entire world to see is a great way to get involved and learn with others.

One great thing about Wikipedia is all the great writers that take part in the creation of this encyclopedia. He enjoys reading good articles and taking notes on them to apply to my articles he plans to add in the future. It is always good to have expample writers to look up too.



This user nativley speaks english. He has however taken two different spanish classes in school. He is not very confident in his skills, and perfer to read a subject rather than to speak it activley. He is planning on studying spanish and italian more in depth in the near future.

Things you may not care about but He will tell you anyway

  • This user has no serious phobias but cannot stand spiders.
  • He really likes to travel, and would love to travel far far away.
  • The tropical islands around the southern United States have beautiful waters to dive in.
  • This users dream is to be retired young living in a tiki hut on the beach. Dream big right?
  • This user's favortie musical artist is Jimmy Buffet.
 This user is a certified scuba diver.
H2OThis user drinks water regularly.
 This user is a Cancer.
 This user is an
American Gangster.
 This user is a fan of Aerosmith.