Trenbolone Acetate, (Also called Finaplix, Finajet & Finaject) is a synthetic, anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) which is considered to be the most powerful existing injectable steroid to date. It was first synthesised in 1963 to increase the profitability of livestock through facilitating muscle growth amongst cattle[1][2]. Trenbolone acetate is currently commonly used for its muscle-building properties by bodybuilders and purchased from black market suppliers.



Trenbolone acetate was first synthesised in 1963 and approved by the livestock industry as a growth promoter for beef cattle in 1987[1][2]. During this period of its first administration, trenbolone acetate was sold under the names Finajet’ and Finaject’. The original manufacturer of the trenbolone acetate steroid discontinued during the late 1980s but this administered the synthesis of subcutaneous pellets called ‘Finaplix’. These pellets aimed to increase muscle mass and lean tissue of cattle prior to slaughter to increase the profitability of livestock when measured in total pounds of meat sold[1].

The drug appears to have been an early development project of Roussel Uclaf, a French pharmaceutical company, and by the early 1970s, it was being sold as an injectable[3]. Despite trenbolone acetate’s official classification as a veterinarian grade anabolic-androgenic steroid, it is one of the greatest anabolic steroids used for performance-enhancing athletic purposes, particularly in bodybuilding. There are a number of Trenbolone compounds but trenbolone acetate is the only one known to be produced in veterinary steroid labs.

Trenbolone acetate commonly became popular amongst bodybuilders and athletes during the early 1980s. During this period, the steroid was transported illegally from Europe in large quantities. Although the steroid was very popular for a short amount of time, the large amounts of supplies were discontinued in 1987[1]. This decision was based upon the public concern of sports doping and its negative effect on athletes. ‘Controversial’ steroids and their discontinuation were quite common during the late 1980s and early 1990s. This greatly contributed to the end of medicinal prescriptions containing trenbolone acetate for injection purposes.

Structural characteristics


The anabolic androgenic steroid, trenbolone acetate is a modified form of nandrolone, also known as deca-durabolin [4]. The structure of trenbolone acetate is a 19-nor classification, which represents a structural change of the testosterone hormone. Trenbolone acetate lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position and carries a double bond at carbons 9 and 11. The position of these carbons slows its metabolism, which greatly increases its binding affinity to the androgen receptor, and inhibits it from aromatizing. Trenbolone acetate contains trenbolone modified with the addition of a carboxylic acid ester (acetic acid) at the 17-beta-hydroxyl group[1]. This facilitates the slow release of the steroid from the area of injection. Trenbolone itself carries both an anabolic and androgenic rating of 500, whereas testosterone carries a rating of 100 in both categories[5].

Functions and traits

The administration of the trenbolone hormone promotes a direct anabolic effect on Androgen Receptor (AR) activity. AR activity facilitated by trenbolone contributes to an increase in IGF-1 and IGF-1R levels, which then enhances skeletal muscle protein accretion. Activation and proliferation of satellite cells then facilitate an increase in skeletal muscle growth[6].

Trenbolone acetate has a basic structure but the small carboxylic acid ester attached to it allows for the control of the hormone’s slow release post injection. This ester gives Trenbolone an activated half-life of 2-3 days. Similar to many anabolic steroids, this hormone has the capability to produce Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)[7][8].This naturally produced protein-based hormone affects every cell in the body of an organism and plays a large role in muscle recovery and rejuvenation[9]. Trenbolone acetate has the ability to increase the IGF-1 receptors present in an organism. This facilitates extreme muscle growth and cell splitting compared to other steroids[7]. The facilitation of IGF-1 plays a significant role in the functions and properties of the central nervous system, pulmonary system, muscle tissue, ligaments, cartilage and tendons[8]. IGF-1 is only promoted by a few anabolic steroid's, with trenbolone acetate being one of the best promoters.

Trenbolone acetate also has the ability to increase red blood cell count. With a larger amount of red blood cells, blood oxygenation is enhanced. This allows for enhanced muscular endurance and therefore promotes a faster rate of recovery. Trenbolone acetate is capable of inhibiting glucocorticoid hormones (Also known as: stress hormones) such as cortisol. The properties of glucocorticoid hormones are the opposite of anabolic steroid hormones as muscle tissue depletion and fat gain is promoted. Administration of trenbolone acetate aims to decrease the production of glucocorticoid hormones. Trenbolone Acetate’s contribution to feed efficiency, also known as nutrient efficiency is what makes it an attractive steroid used for agricultural purposes. Food is one of the most anabolic substances that any living organism can consume, and therefore with the administration of trenbolone acetate, every nutrient in the body becomes a lot more valuable

[10]. This facilitates an organism's body that is exposed to the steroid to make better use of the nutrients already consumed[1][10]. The non-aromatizing nature of trenbolone acetate makes it a very appealing fat-burning agent. Its capability as a body-sculpting steroid is extreme. Many fitness models and bodybuilders use trenbolone acetate, particularly when preparing to compete in an upcoming bodybuilding competition. As a potent muscle-builder, the absence of estrogen plays a large role due to its interactions with muscle glucose use.



Veterinary medicine

A single cartridge of Finaplix-H containing 10 implants. Each implant contains 10 small yellow pellets. (Image Adapted from Medi-Vet Animal Health, LLC (

In the livestock industry, trenbolone acetate is more often called ‘Finaplix’. The steroid was intentionally developed to promote androgen and gain muscle mass in cattle. Due to its properties, this allows livestock to grow as much muscle possible before they are transported to a slaughterhouse.

Methyl cellulose and yellow dye are usually present in pellets given to livestock. A single dosage generally consists of 10 pellets, and a package of Finaplix usually consists of one cartridge, which contains 100 pellets (See Figure). This is usually given to the animal by means of a subcutaneous injection into the posterior location of the ear (See Figure) with the use of an implanter gun. Finaplix is consistently implanted until the animal is ready to be slaughtered. There is no withholding period and cattle are generally negligently forced the pellets into their system[1]. Due to the common practice of trenbolone acetate use in veterinary medicine, it is quite common to find little amounts of Trenbolone metabolites in cattle worldwide[1][11].

Image showing the general area of the implantation of Finaplix-H pellets displayed on bovine ear



Trenbolone acetate was never approved for use amongst humans and therefore guidelines for human consumption do not exist. However, athletes and bodybuilders have been using trenbolone acetate as a performance-enhancing drug for decades. There are a large number of benefits as a bodybuilder through using trenbolone acetate as a steroid. This is because it is estimated to be approximately five times more effective and stronger than testosterone. Unlike testosterone, trenbolone acetate does not cause any water retention while gaining muscle mass.[1] This allows bodybuilders to appear much leaner, and this is why it is more commonly used whilst preparing for competitive events. trenbolone acetate does not voluntarily convert into estrogen[1], and therefore this allows the steroid to promote extreme muscle growth. Despite the many forms of trenbolone, such as trenbolone enanthate, trenbolone acetate is the most desired by athletes and bodybuilders. Trenbolone enanthate is also a very commonly used steroid but what makes trenbolone acetate the most desirable steroid is that it helps maintain blood levels[12].

Medical Uses


Limited legal medicinal uses come with trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone acetate is only prescribed to males who lack and are deficient in androgen. Common situations where trenbolone acetate is prescribed are to males who suffer certain types of anaemia or those who have lost both their testes from testicular cancer or accidents[13].

Side effects


Trenbolone acetate, like any other androgenic-anabolic steroid, comes with a lot of negative effects[12][5]. The strong androgenic nature of trenbolone acetate facilitates its tendency to produce virilizing side effects (See Virilization)[12], and this is one of the main reasons why it is not recommended for women for performance and physique enhancing purposes. The side effects of trenbolone acetate are similar to other androgenic-anabolic steroids, however, the negative side effects that are specifically facilitated by trenbolone acetate are as followed.



Every form of trenbolone, including trenbolone acetate, is not estrogenic. This means that it does not aromatize at all and this is also why excess water retention is not possible with the use of this steroid. However, due to trenbolone's strong progestin nature, gynecomastia, which is a hormone imbalance that facilitates the swelling of breast tissue[14], is still possible. Stimulation of estrogenic mechanisms are enforced by progesterone as trenbolone acetate and its compounds bind with high affinity to the progesterone receptor[1][3]. It has been assumed that gynecomastia as a result of trenbolone use is due to a buildup of the hormone prolactin[15]. However, a variety of studies conclude that it is the progestin nature of trenbolone promoting this and not prolactin. Trenbolone also has a negative impact on blood pressure but it does not appear to negatively affect most healthy adult men in this way.



Trenbolone compounds are capable of binding to the androgen receptor [4][16][3]. Specific to the androgenic properties of trenbolone, common side effects of the steroid use include acne, accelerated hair loss particularly in males that are susceptible to body hair growth and male pattern baldness[12][17]. These side effects strongly rely on an individual’s genetics and may not always occur in every individual. Men susceptible to hair loss related illnesses, such as baldness have a higher chance of becoming bald with the use of trenbolone acetate.

Cardiovascular issues


Administration of any anabolic steroid can lead to cardiovascular issues[18][19]. Trenbolone acetate can have a negative and strong impact on cholesterol through suppressing both high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good cholesterol) and increasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol)[20]. When compared to several oral anabolic steroids, trenbolone acetate has a higher negative effect on cholesterol levels when compared to other anabolic substances. This negative effect is much more severe with the use of injectable steroids, including trenbolone acetate.



Trenbolone acetate contributes greatly to muscle mass and feed efficiency, however, administration of the steroid suppresses natural testosterone production [17][21]. This is a common effect of all anabolic steroids, the only difference is the variation in how much they suppress in comparison to others. This is why an oral or injectable testosterone supplementation is commonly taken with trenbolone acetate administration.

Tren cough


Trenbolone is very potent due to its androgenic qualities and anabolic features when compared to testosterone and other anabolic steroids (i.e. oxandrolone, Melanotan). This quality leads to the triggering of a tren cough which is commonly experienced amongst users of trenbolone acetate. This is because trenbolone acetate facilitates acute respiratory distress and Hypoxemia, which is an abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood of an organism[22]. One of the main characteristics of trenbolone acetate is its fat burning capabilities, but this has the potential to cause respiratory distress[5]. It also has the potential to cause hypoxemia as a result of the facilitation of the downstream effect on biological mediators such as oil molecules transporting into the lungs[23]. Benzyl benzoate also has the capability to administer this reaction. The exact mechanisms underlying the cause of the tren cough is still an area of investigation. However, trenbolone acetate's androgenic effect activates a variety of lipid-like active compounds which are called prostaglandins. Many of these prostaglandins are known to be inflammatory and vasoconstrictive. Prostaglandins are signalled through two varying pathways cyclooxygenase (COX) (Also known as: prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase) and lipoxygenases (LOX) (Also known as: EC, EC, etc.)[24]. When trenbolone is injected in any form or concentration, the irritation of these prostaglandins can be facilitated amongst genetically susceptible individuals. Vasoconstriction of the muscular wall of the bronchus in the lungs is what triggers a cough reaction. Trenbolone increases an inflammatory mediator peptide called bradykinin which facilitates the dilation of blood vessels. This peptide is well known promote a cough reaction associated with ACE inhibitor medications prescribed for hypertension.

Distribution and regulations


Trenbolone acetate, specifically referred to as Finaplix in the livestock industry is available to purchase amongst veterinary drug markets. A typical cartridge, usually comes in the form of 20mg pellets. It generally comes in the form of implant pellets containing 20mg of trenbolone acetate each. Injectable preparations containing 30mg/ml of steroid in oil were formerly sold in the livestock industry. Pharmaceutical preparations containing trenbolone acetate remains rare since its decline in production after the 1980s. The majority of the current supply for trenbolone acetate comes from underground steroid manufacturers. Using steroids for any other purpose, or without a doctor’s prescription is illegal in most countries. Major sporting and Bodybuilding organisations outlaw the use of illegal steroids, and the possession or sale of drugs can lead to arrest and conviction of drug-trafficking in a large number of countries, including the United States and Australia. However, in the United Kingdom, owning anabolic steroid for personal use as a bodybuilding supplements is not illegal, but selling the steroid without a valid medical license or reason is still against the law. Regardless of their legality, anabolic steroids are still banned by most sporting leagues in the country, who routinely conduct drug tests to find the users of any anabolic steroids.


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