A professional writer for the biofuels industry. A denizen of North Dakota and one of the last liberals in that state.

My Favorite Subjects




Basset Hound


Pixies, the band

Conservapedia -- the best living example of propaganda I've ever found.




...and some other stuff I can't remember right now.

A Little More About Me


I like to edit for tautologies when I find them. If you find a good example, please feel free to post it to my talk page.

I spend most of my time cruising for vandalism, probably because I doubt I know more than everyone else when it comes to editing and content. That said, I will do my best.

I am new here--or newish--and a former poetry major who disliked computers for a very long time. I am telling you now I might be slow on the uptake, but it isn't deliberate. Please give me the benefit of the doubt.

Recently a page was made on me through this account--which I just about forgot I had. I am back, and my computer will be locked-up at night.