This is primarily for my use, so I can cut and paste references that I am likely to use more than once. If you see a book in My bookself that you would like to independently confirm a reference taken from I could probably do that.

My Bookself


bicycle, the history

{{cite book
  | last = Herlihy
  | first = David V
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = 
  | title = Bicycle: the History
  | publisher = Yale University Press
  | date = 2004
  | location = 
  | pages = 
  | url =
  | doi = 
  | id = 
  | isbn = 0-300-10418-9}}

Bicycle Quarterly, Winter 08

{{cite journal
  | last = Heine
  | first = Jan
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = 
  | title = Slow Down, The Story of Bicycle Brakes
  | journal = Bicycle Quarterly
  | issue = Winter 2008
  | pages = 39
  | publisher = Vintage Bicycle Press LLC
  | location = 
  | date = 2008 
  | url =
  | accessdate = 
  |issn = 1941-8809 }}


{{cite book
  | last = Sutherland
  | first = Howard
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = et al.
  | title = Sutherlands Handbook for Bicycle Mechanics (6th Edition)
  | publisher = 
  | date = 1995
  | location = Berkley, CA, USA
  | pages =  
  | url = 
  | doi = 
  | id = 
  | isbn = 0-914578-09-X}}

Paterek Manual

{{cite book
  | last = Paterek
  | first = Tim
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = 
  | title = The Paterek Manual for Bicycle Frame Builders (Third Edition) Shop Edition
  | publisher = 
  | date = 2004
  | location = 
  | pages = 
  | url =
  | isbn = 0-9761245-0-5}}

The Dancing Chain

{{cite book
  | last =  Berto 
  | first = Frank 
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = Tony Hadland, Jan Heine, Raymond Henry, Gordon Selby, Ron Shepherd, Walter Ulreich
  | title = The Dancing Chain : history and development of the derailleur bicycle, Third Edition
  | publisher = Van der Plas Publications/Cycle Publications
  | date = 2009
  | location = San Francisco, CA, USA
  | pages = 
  | url =
  | isbn = 1892495414}}

Public Library


Bicycle Wheel, The

{{cite book
  | last = Brandt
  | first = Jobst
  | authorlink = 
  | coauthors = 
  | title = The Bicycle Wheel
  | publisher = Avocet 
  | date = 1893
  | location = Menlo Park, CA, USA
  | pages = 
  | isbn = 0-9607236-2-5}}

Citation templates