Poverty Reduction


Poverty is going to happen everywhere, but how the country deals with it is what matters. Poverty reduction is when the amount of people in poverty decreases. This can be done in a variety of way and each country has their own ideas. One way of creating poverty reduction is to encourage entrepreneurship. If people start their own business then it creates innovation, and pushes people the think father about what we as a society needs. This creates not only advances in technology and ideologies it also creates more business which will stretches the economy and put money in the citizens pockets. [1]Embracing what the country has to offer can also cause poverty reduction. Tourism creates so many jobs such as tour guides, hotels, Ubers, and so many others. This increase in jobs will allow those that couldn't work before the be making money. As well the economy will benefit since people can buy things and tourists will also invest a lot of money on their trip. [2]Poverty proofing is another example of poverty reduction. Poverty proofing is when the government take time and focuses on poverty. They create special government programs that can create jobs. This way people can make money and have benefits as well. Poverty proofing allows the government to spend time to think about the poor and createnjobs so that the economy can benefit as well. [3]Poverty reduction helps the economy as well as rates of homelessness. This way more people can buy things such as houses and afford to sustain the living cost of that country. As well with that comes all the wants that these poorer countries now have because people are working the jobs.



Entrepreneurship is creating a self-owned company or service. This means that people are employing themselves as well as those that work for them. Entreprenurship allows for new things to be created because it pushes people to create new ideas, for old ideas may not sell. This innovation and creation of companies will inspire others to try to out do the next. Human nature makes people thrive on competition. Not only does this process create new things, it creates revenue as well. People from all around the world may want to buy this companies new product and with the internet that makes it very possible. Even before countries would trade for the goods they wanted. Also, once people see that, that country is enjoying the product it will make others want it as well. This process of entrepreneurship also creates jobs. If more people have jobs then more people can pay taxes. This will help the overall wealth of the company and the country. Not only people can pay taxes, but they can also buy things that they want. This will allow the economy to decrease. Entrepreneurship can create poverty reduction, since more people can work which means that more people can buy things. It also allows for people with low education and minorities to get jobs as well.


And example of using what the country has to offer

Tourism is traveling to different countries. This is taking advantage of what the country has to offer. It can create so many jobs. People will have to work for airlines, hotels, and at tourist attractions. This will create poverty reduction because people can pay taxes and buy goods, so that they can help the economy. Studies have shown that an increase in tourism creates a decrease in poverty. By using geographic or cities that are interesting countries can allow for poverty to decrease. With the increase in jobs it allows for people to give back to their country. As well majority of the income comes from those from other countries. Increase in tourism allows all businesses to thrive. While people are visiting they will need food, shelter, and they may want souvenirs. Tourism allows new money to come into the economy. It creates international commerce so that the economy can get better. This will create a reduction in poverty because people have jobs and new money is coming into the economy.

Poverty Proofing


Poverty proofing is the process of accessing what policies will help the impoverished. This way is very focused on decreasing poverty. This will create jobs that the government have backed. It will allow people to pay taxes to government. As well since they have a job they can buy goods. This causes poverty reduction because people are giving back to the government as well as the economy. As well it creates programs to help the impoverished. For example shelters, and food stamps, and other programs that will help people with low income. This will give people a leg up so that they can get a job or save up their money. This will allow people to get a house and buy goods to help the economy. Creating these programs will allow people to not be so focused on life necessities, therefor they will have more motivation to get out of these places and onto bigger things. It also allows for the government to see the progress that has been made and know when the create or take away programs. The jobs the government will provide will also allow for improvements to the country as well .This can therefor increase tourism because the country will be improving and be more up to date.


Entrepreneurship, Tourism, and Poverty proofing all work together to create poverty reduction. By using all these tactics countries can bring in money and get the economy going. They can increase the amount of jobs in a country and get people back on their feet. By creating ways for people to work they will take the offer. This'll get money moving in a country which will lead to a decline in poverty. Poverty reduction occurs when there are less people are impoverished. A combination of the tactics can help results in attempts to poverty reduction.

  1. ^ Frese, Michael; Gielnik, Michael M.; Mensmann, Mona (2016-06). "Psychological Training for Entrepreneurs to Take Action: Contributing to Poverty Reduction in Developing Countries". Current Directions in Psychological Science. 25 (3): 196–202. doi:10.1177/0963721416636957. ISSN 0963-7214. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ Tung, Le (February 2020). "Impact of Tourism on Poverty Reduction: Evidence from an Emerging Tourism Market" (PDF). Montenegrin Journal of Economics. 16.
  3. ^ Johnston, Helen (2017-08-01). "Poverty proofing – An evolutionary process towards poverty reduction". Administration. 65 (3): 123–139. doi:10.1515/admin-2017-0027.