Basically, I am not your run-of-the-mill student. As anyone hailing from the New York area (a loud-and-proud Jerseyan to be exact), the stereotype goes true for me in that I am a class act skeptic and cynic when it comes to a great deal of various subjects: public education, politics, religion, philosophy, etiquette, scandals, and mainstream media output.

I refuse to neither allow myself to again be indoctrinated with belief that doesn’t allow any form of scrutiny nor or attack and try to “convert” those who are theistic. I simply don’t care what others believe (the term for this is “apatheism” — portmanteau of “apathy” and “atheism”) as long as they can clarify why they do; however, I hate people who try to impose their religion down my throat. To summarize the above two bullet points: I think atheists who condemn religious people for being “idiots” are just as terrible as fundamentalists who condemn atheists for being “evil.”

I aspire to study various forms of alternative medicine, including massage and touch therapy, ayurveda (a.k.a. Hindu medicine), therapeutic yoga, and holistic medicine. My short term career goal is to become a barista until I can save to attend such classes and get certification in each of these fields, along with getting my final college degree in sports medicine or food science. I also aspire to become a black belt of good and outstanding rank and membership in karate, and perhaps hope to open my own dojo (karate school) eventually.