About Me!!


I love anything regarding New Jersey and American Politics. I have been doing Model UN since 8th grade and have attended 2 advanced committees. I am a native Polish speaker, and have experience translating articles and papers for my high school. I am looking to one day publish a book about American political science as a passion project, as well as compose a few viola pieces for fun. I created my username in fifth grade when I was sick and had to pick a Minecraft gamertag. It overlaps my name, "Abi" and the medicine "Ibuprofen". I was born on April 5th 2009, and I wish to major in political science. I have been playing violin since second grade, and have recently swapped over to viola in 7th.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Romans 12:9-10

Ephesians 4:2

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching." - Gerard Way

Notes to Self/MUN Reminders


General Preparation

  1. Research Your Country and Topic Thoroughly:
    • Understand your country's policies, allies, and interests.
    • Be aware of the historical context and current status of the topic.
    • Know key facts, statistics, and figures that support your position.
  2. Prepare Opening and Position Statements:
    • Draft a clear and concise opening statement that outlines your country’s stance.
    • Have a strong position paper ready, detailing your country’s views and proposed solutions.
  3. Understand the Rules of Procedure:
    • Familiarize yourself with the specific MUN rules (e.g., speaking times, points of order, motion types).
    • Practice proper diplomatic language and formal address.

During the Conference

  1. Engage Actively in Debate:
    • Speak early to establish your presence.
    • Listen attentively to others and respond thoughtfully.
    • Use facts and evidence to support your arguments.
  2. Collaborate and Build Alliances:
    • Work with countries that have similar interests or complementary goals.
    • Draft and sponsor resolutions in collaboration with allies.
    • Be open to negotiation and compromise to build consensus.
  3. Use Points and Motions Effectively:
    • Point of Information: To ask a question during speeches.
    • Point of Order: To address a breach in procedure.
    • Motion for a Moderated Caucus: To focus on specific sub-topics.
    • Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus: To negotiate and draft resolutions informally.

Writing and Negotiating Resolutions

  1. Structure Your Resolutions Clearly:
    • Preambulatory Clauses: Provide background information and justify actions.
    • Operative Clauses: Outline specific actions and solutions.
    • Be precise and actionable in your language.
  2. Be Persuasive and Diplomatic:
    • Use persuasive language to win support.
    • Remain respectful and diplomatic, even when disagreeing.
    • Aim for clarity and coherence in your proposals.

Personal Conduct and Self-Care

  1. Stay Professional and Respectful:
    • Dress appropriately in business attire.
    • Maintain decorum and respect for all delegates.
    • Be courteous and professional in all interactions.
  2. Manage Your Time and Energy:
    • Stay organized with a schedule for committee sessions, caucuses, and breaks.
    • Take care of your health with proper meals, hydration, and rest.
    • Take brief breaks when needed to stay focused and energized.
  3. Reflect and Improve:
    • After each session, reflect on what went well and what could be improved.
    • Seek feedback from peers, chairs, and advisors.
    • Continuously strive to improve your skills and knowledge for future conferences.

Additional Tips

  1. Know Your Chair and Delegates:
    • Understand the preferences and styles of your committee chair.
    • Build rapport with other delegates through informal conversations.
  2. Stay Updated with Current Events:
    • Be aware of any recent developments related to your topic.
    • Use up-to-date information to strengthen your arguments.
  3. Practice Public Speaking and Writing:
    • Regularly practice delivering speeches confidently and clearly.
    • Hone your writing skills for drafting resolutions and position papers.

My Awards and Achievements


Eighth Grade


First violist concertmaster

Top 5 Girls Cross Country runner

Best Delegate - Pakistan, GA3, GCIMUN

Freshman Year


Semester one


First Chair Violist - Winter (Christmas) concert/Open House/Sending Schools

Religion Academic Achievement Award

H Geometry Academic Achievement Award

First freshman to take Geometry at my current high school (we do algebra 2 first, then geometry)

Best Position Paper - Rwanda, SOCHUM, RUMUN

Semester 2


First Chair Violist - Spring Concert/Florida Band and Orchestra trip

French Academic Achievement Award

H World History Academic Achievement Award

Outstanding Delegate - Germany, UNICEF, PhilMUN

Most Researched - Poland, UNHCR, NorthMUN (Ironically I barely did any research for this lmao)

Honorable Mention - Melvin R. Laird, Nixon's 1970 Cabinet, CJMUNC

Sophomore Year

