United Nations Security Council Resolution 328

United Nations Security Council Resolution 328, adopted on March 10, 1973, after receiving a report from the Special Mission established under resolution 326 and reaffirming previous statements the Council encouraged the United Kingdom, as the administering power, to convene a national constitutional conference where the "genuine representatives of the people of Zimbabwe" could work out a settlement relating to the future of the country.

UN Security Council
Resolution 328
Date10 March 1973
Meeting no.1,694
CodeS/RES/328 (Document)
SubjectSouthern Rhodesia
Voting summary
  • 13 voted for
  • None voted against
  • 2 abstained
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members
← 327 Lists of resolutions 329 →

The Council also called upon the government to take all effective measures to bring about the conditions necessary to enable the people of Rhodesia to exercise their right to self-determination, the unconditional release of all political prisoners/detainees/restrictees, the repeal of all repressive and discriminatory legislation and re removal of all restriction on political activity.

The resolution was approved by 13 votes to none against; the United Kingdom and United States abstained from the vote.

See also


