Talk:Shorashim (disambiguation)

Latest comment: 18 years ago by Jfdwolff in topic Vote to delete:Keep

Vote to delete:Keep


For a December 2004 deletion debate over this page see Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Shorashim

A suggestion by Jfdwolff that this document is (vfd, much too esoteric for its own page) is crazy. I have spent a good four hours trying to research this information on the web. It clearly is not easily available, especially to a non-hebrew reader, or one without access to Rambam's writings. I haven't even been able to find a definitive list anywhere.

Wikipedia is intended to be an encyclopedia! and as such, it is reasonable to be able to look up stuff like this. I'm sorry Jfdwolff has no interest in knowledge for its own sake, or wants to hide information from people who are earnestly interested.

Jfdwolff is a Dutch doctor. maybe people should just randomly decide articles written by Jfdwolff are too "dutch" or to "medicine" oriented. Clearly, I'm upset by the arbitrary nature of this vfd and I object to the tagging of an article in this way. Perhaps Jfdwolff can justify the opinion expressed. Unsigned by User:

You can discuss this on Vfd. You can use Wikipedia for everything, such as a point-to-point analysis of the Remak's Tomer Devorah, your record collection, a list of all instances where the Raavad disagrees with the Rambam in the Yad etc etc. We have to draw a line what kind of information merits inclusion.
You aggressive response is totally unwarranted. If you had closely read my proposal, my suggestion was actually to merge this with 613 mitzvot rather than outright deleting it.
We also don't do personal attacks here. JFW | T@lk 01:15, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)

If we don't do personal attacks, then why did you attack my work by asserting it was too esoteric? Anyway, I certainly didn't intend for any attack of you personally. I merely used information that was publically available to show how frustrated I was that you just arbitrarily wanted to delete all my hard work. Oh, and I re-read what I wrote, perhaps I was harsh in expressing that Jfdwolff wanted to hide information or just had no interest in information for its own sake. This is the only reason I could come up with that the suggestion to delete all my hard work was brought up. I apologize if this was seen as a personal attack.

(not an attack): Jfdwolff assumed I had any idea what a Vfd is. I didn't even see the page you made your suggestion on until today when I came back and saw your response. I am admittedly a newbie, but this encyclopedia software isn't just a simple wiki.

Now that I see you want to just merge it with 613 mitzvot, I have no objection. Perhaps you can help me find the rest of the shorashim? I started the page because I wanted the information, and it wasn't available on the 613 page. It also would be nice to link to these rules from a page on Hermeneutics.

I did not attack your work. Esoteric is not a slur when employed properly. If you had read my user page, you would have seen that I have more expertise in Judaism articles than deduced from the line "Dutch doctor".
The VFD warning is really not ambiguous. Links to the deletion policy are abundant.
As stated, I do feel that the shorashim are encyclopedic on the 613 mitzvot page. When I'm home I'll get the Sefer ha-Mitzvoth and condense the shorashim.
This page should really redirect to shoresh, and that page should primarily deal with the Hebrew grammatical phenomenon. The Albo material is probably best merged with Jewish principles of faith. JFW | T@lk 14:01, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

If you would condense (and verify) my recording of the 14 Shoreshim I would appreciate it. I tried to be as accurate as I could be with what found, but some of it was confusing and possibly contradictory. I have reached the limit of what I can find from google and web searches. I ran into Albo's stuff because it came up as part of my searching. As I stated earlier, where the information ultimately ends up is not as important as that the information available.

If you think Albo's stuff needs to move, feel free to put it there.

I'm almost done checking the remaining ones. The Sefer ha-Mitzvoth is on my desk, but I'm late for work :-(. JFW | T@lk 08:40, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I'm not sure what to do about this. I was willing to merge the document, but simply asked that it be completed before it is merged. Jfdwolff is clearly able to help complete the document, by his own admission, however I assume the press of other work has been more compelling. I have waited almost 10 months for the information, checking on a regular basis, but I don't really have any recourse. If I could complete it myself, I would have, but alas, the Sefer Ha-mitzvoth is not transcribed on the 'net in any location I have found. I suppose patience is the only virtue I can practice at this time. Unsigned by User:

Please email me in a few weeks. I totally forgot to complete this list, but the Sefer ha-Mitzvoth is in a box somewhere and I won't be able to get to it until the end of the month. I'm sorry. JFW | T@lk 07:29, 7 September 2005 (UTC)Reply