The Master of Latin 757 (fl c. 1380–1395), or the "Lancelot Master", is the name given to a Lombard painter of illuminated manuscripts whose work is very poorly known. He was the leading illuminator for the Visconti court in Milan.[1] Three manuscripts, all in the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris, were first ascribed to him by Pietro Toesca; these include a combined Book of Hours and Missal, one called Lancelot du lac, and several folios of a handbook on health, the Tacuinum sanitatis. A number of other works have since been grouped with these; only the Book of Hours/Missal, however, appears to have been completed in a single, homogeneous style.

The Estates of Man, Milanese manuscript of Francesco Petrarch's De Remediis Utriusque Fortunae, attributed to the master.


  1. ^ Oxford Art Online