Ambasing is a barangay in the municipality of Sagada, in Mountain Province. It is famous for being the hometown of the popular meme character Dreamy Bull.



Ambasing is a name that comes from the popular YouTube meme Ambatukam. The man who yells "Ambatukam" in the popular meme, Dreamy Bull, has a secondary clip in which he says "Ambasing" with a tone of pain in his voice. This is truly a testament to the passion Mr. Bull puts into his work.



Dreamy Bull's family is probably the most important, and really only part, in Ambasing's history. In 1563, the conquistador Señor Fernando de Ambasing (born in Spain in 1520) arrived in the Philippines under Miguel López de Legazpi's expedition. Fernando loved the Philippines, and decided to stay. He founded a new settlement which he called Ambasing, named after his birthplace in Spain and his last name. To populate the settlement, he invited some of his comrades from the Spanish army to settle in Ambasing with Filipino wives. Ambasing saw peace for many years, until the Philippine Revolution and the American occupation of the Philippines. In 1909, an African-American soldier named Henry Bull was stationed at the American garrison in Sagada. During a visit to Ambasing to arrest a Filipino man accused of conspiring against the U.S., Bull met a waitress by the name of Juana Ambasing, a Filipino-Spanish descendant of Señor Ambasing, who Henry declared the love of his life. Juana and Henry got married in 1912 and had their first child, named Batu Khan, the following year.

Batu Khan Bull lived a normal life in Ambasing until the Japanese invasion in 1941. Batu, a devout patriot, joined the Philippine army. He went through great pain during this time. He was wounded many times throughout the war. One time he was out of action from 1943-44 because of an explosion from a grenade that landed near him. He was part of the Filipino resistance until liberation in 1945. His son Ohmygot Bull was 18 years old in 1941 and also joined the army. Ohmygot was taken prisoner by Japan when Ambasing fell to Japanese forces after a heroic last stand, in which Batu's brother, Yugonmakemebus, died. Ohmygot fortunately was released at the war's end. Batu Bull died in 1973 from lung cancer. After returning to civilian life, Ohmygot Bull had a son, Batu Blow, who was born in 1964. Batu Blow Bull is the father of the famous actor Dreamy Bull.

In 2020, Robert Allidem wrote and published the Ambasing anthem "Ili Ay Ambasing" on the 500th anniversary of the birth of Ambasing's founder, Señor Fernando de Ambasing.



The population of Ambasing as determined by the 2020 Census was 826. This represented 7.18% of the total population of Sagada.

According to the 2015 Census, the age group with the highest population in Ambasing is 5 to 9, with 90 individuals. Conversely, the age group with the lowest population is 75 to 79, with 5 individuals. details

Combining age groups together, those aged 14 and below, consisting of the young dependent population which include infants/babies, children and young adolescents/teenagers, make up an aggregate of 31.27% (242). Those aged 15 up to 64, roughly, the economically active population and actual or potential members of the work force, constitute a total of 62.40% (483). Finally, old dependent population consisting of the senior citizens, those aged 65 and over, total 6.33% (49) in all.

The computed Age Dependency Ratios mean that among the population of Ambasing, there are 50 youth dependents to every 100 of the working age population; there are 10 aged/senior citizens to every 100 of the working population; and overall, there are 60 dependents (young and old-age) to every 100 of the working population.

The median age of 27 indicates that half of the entire population of Ambasing are aged less than 27 and the other half are over the age of 27. Ethnicity

The ethnicity of Ambasing is mostly Filipino, with almost all Ambasing's residents having Spanish descent from the conquistadors who first settled the area.

