The Rahway Valley Company, hereinafter called the carrier, owns no road or equipment, but operates under lease the railroad property described below. The railroad of the Rahway Valley Railroad Company, which is leased to and operated by the carrier, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, is a single-track standard-gauge steam railroad, located in northeastern New Jersey. The main line extends from Aldene to Summit, a distance of 7.623 miles, and the yard tracks and sidings aggregate 3.852 miles. Its road thus embraces 11.475 miles of all tracks owned but not used.


The carrier was incorporated February 27, 1909, under the general laws of the State of New Jersey for the purpose of operating the property of the Rahway Valley Railroad Company. The date of organization of the carrier has not been determined.


The common-carrier property operated by the carrier is all owned by the Rahway Valley Railroad Company.


The property of the Rahway Valley Railroad Company was operated by its own organization from March 1, 1905, the date its property was acquired, to February 28, 1909. From the latter date to date of valuation it has been operated under lease by the carrier.


The Rahway Valley Railroad Company was incorporated July 18, 1904, under the general laws of the State of New Jersey. [...]

No. Name Incorporation Succession
1. Rahway Valley Railroad Company. Under general laws of New Jersey, July 18, 1904.
2. New Orange Four Junction Railroad Company. Under general laws of New Jersey, Feb. 1, 1901. Merged Mar. 1, 1905, into 1.
3. New York and New Orange Railroad Company. Under general laws of New Jersey, May 6, 1897. Sold at foreclosure Nov. 8, 1900, and reorganized Feb. 16, 1901, as 2.

The owned mileage of the Rahway Valley Railroad Company, amounting to 7.623 miles, was acquired partly by merger and partly by construction, as stated below:

Acquired by merger from the New Orange Four Junction Railroad Company, Mar. 1, 1905, constructed by the New York and New Orange Railroad Company, Aldene to Kenilworth, N. J., during the period 1897 to 1899 3.040
Acquired by construction, Kenilworth to Summit, N. J., March, 1905, to June, 1906 4.760
Total 7.800
Difference between total recorded mileage and mileage inventoried as of date of valuation .177
Mileage inventoried as of date of valuation 7.623

In the construction of the road built for the Rahway Valley Railroad Company, the work was done partly by its own forces and partly by J. H. N. Cornell, under contract. It has not been determined from the records reviewed whether or not J. H. N. Cornell was affiliated with the Rahway Valley Railroad Company or its officials.